Education or Else front cover

Elevator Pitch:

Education or Else is a ‘daily’ comic strip (which I do not update every day, though I wish I could) about a grade-school teacher and the nonstop nonsense she has to deal with—which does not always come from her students. Each strip is inspired by true stories, but fictionalized to fit the comic format, while hopefully retaining the same face-palm impact. (All likenesses to persons real or imaginary are purely coincidental.)

 The Story So Far:

There are 20+ strips in the collection right now, but I have notes and/or drafts for well over a 100 more. Below are all the current strips; click on any strip for an enlarged version.

(Newest strips will always be added to the top of the gallery.)

What’s Next?

All of these are from 2016… Yeah, it’s been on the back-burner for a while.

I would love to turn every idea/note I have into a strip, but each one takes a few hours to produce, so churning out one per day is unrealistic for now. Ideally, I will draw a few dozen more over the next year or two, fine-tuning the art style and sharpening the jokes, and then, maybe, submit it for syndication in newspapers. You need at least 25 good sample strips to submit; although I technically have enough, I don’t feel strongly that they are all submission-worthy. I would like to have about 50 strips completed before I would feel confident to submit, then choose the best 25. Comic strips can earn a decent buck (just look at Dilbert) but being under the gun to produce one every single day would be tough. Stay tuned!